Texel Info

Written by Hans.

Tourist information Texel: http://www.texel.net/
Texel agenda: http://www.texelagenda.nl/
Texel Plaza: http://www.texelplaza.nl/
The weather: https://www.texel.net/nl/weerbericht-den-burg
In the surrounding area
Ecomare: http://www.ecomare.nl/
Beach restaurant Pole 17: http://www.paal17.com/
Pancake restaurant: http://www.catharinahoeve-texel.nl/

Ferry to Texel: https://www.teso.nl 

Texel has a new public transport system, the Texel Hopper. In addition to two regular bus services, smaller Texel Hopper vans run around the island. They must be booked.
For online ordering a ticket and other information about the Texel Hopper, see https://www.texelhopper.nl/
When booking, specify that you are departing from stop "ferry port" and that you will get off at De Parel (stop number 146).
Stop De Parel is 100 meters from the address Gerritlanderdijkje 45.

Parking on Texel: http://www.texel.net/nl/over-texel/gemeente-texel/

Bicycle rent
The bikes will be delivered to your villa: Bike reservation
Pick up and drop off bicycles by yourself: Werner Fietsverhuur, Gerritslanderdijkje 13, tel +13222310632

Shopping service
Spar grocery service: http://kalverboer.spar.nl/